Fiber + Omega 3 and 6


Fiber + Omega 3 and 6
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Aromatic and intense nigella seeds (Nigella sativa) are characteristic of the Middle East region. 

 For centuries, it has been used as an efficient healing product for numerous diseases, such as bronchitis or diarrhea. Nigella is a delicious and healthy spice used in the Middle East and Indian cuisines.


Nigella bio by Purella comes from pure territories of India and no pesticides are used throughout the planting, cultivating and harvesting. The nigella seeds are free from any pests, or residues of other arable crops. Nigella is naturally gluten-free.

Meet nigella and its magical powers

Only 1 teaspoon of nigella a day covers 1/5 of a daily requirement for iron. Once you feel permanently exhausted, have no energy and power, add nigella to your diet. By including this seasoning, you may also regulate your blood glucose level and protect yourself against heart diseases (due to antioxidants – quercetin and thymoquinone). 

Nigella has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Reach for it, any time you are catching a cold or bacterial disease. 

Like all superfoods, nigella contains antioxidants, reducing oxidative stress levels. Therefore, you are aging at a slower pace and stay in good shape.

Add nigella to your healthy diet

Barely a pinch of nigella seeds can refine the flavour of a dish. Nigella tastes a bit spicy and bitter. Before adding it to bread or curry meals, roast it slightly in a frying pan.  

Nigella can be also added to oatmeal, yogurt or cocktail. However, seeds need to be blended with honey before.


Nigella oil mixed up with orange juice or lime, applied 2 times a day, helps soothing acne and reducing discolorations. Such blend also smooths cracked heels. 

In the past, nigella was used for the treatment of inflammations and irritations in the oral cavity. To strengthen the gums, you need to rub them with curdled milk mixed with a bit of nigella oil. 

2 x more caffeine than coffee
contributes to weight loss
makes stress-resistant
a natural energy booster
improves reflex

Light cheese with vegetables

  • 200 g of cottage cheese 
  • 30 ml of natural yogurt
  • 1/2 of fresh cucumber 
  • 1 raspberry tomatoes or 8-10 cocktail tomatoes 
  • 1 tbsp of pumpkin seeds 
  • 1 teaspoon of Nigella by PURELLA 
  • 1 tbsp of flaxseed oil 
  • 2 pinches of HIMALAYAN SALT by PURELLA 
  • freshly ground pepper
Whole recipe

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